An old story about a Chinese Farmer

Chinese Farmer Story

May 15, 2022 · 1 min · Yatan Blumenthal Vargas

Psilocybin (Self) Assisted Therapy Resources

Overview of how assisted therapy works Pre-treatment preparation: Patients undergo an extensive screening process to determine their eligibility for psilocybin-assisted therapy. They receive preparatory sessions to educate them about the treatment, manage expectations, and establish rapport with the therapist. Psilocybin administration: During the psilocybin session, patients are given a single dose of psilocybin in a controlled, supportive environment with trained therapists present. The dose is typically administered orally, either in capsules or mixed with a liquid....

May 15, 2022 · 2 min · Yatan Blumenthal Vargas

An Ode to the Mountain and the Bench

It’s quarantine time… a perfect time to start blogging, and after 3 months in an apartment on the 10th floor in a city of 9 million you might think Id start loosing it, and sometimes I do feel like that. Luckily I am with my mom and not alone. And luckily I am the kind of person who thrives on constraints and sometimes gets lost in too much freedom. Monotony ⇒ appreciation The monotony of staying in the same apartment for so long, gave me the mental space to let go of things that had been worrying me, the lack of possibilities to go elsewhere has provided me a more detailed point of view on where I live than ever before....

July 4, 2020 · 3 min · Yatan Blumenthal Vargas

Lista de Compras Keto

🍗🍄🥬 Lista de Compras Keto 🍋🥦🐟 Proteínas: pollo, pavo, carne de res, cerdo, cordero, pescado (salmón, atún, robalo, etc.), mariscos (camarones, langostinos, etc.), huevos, tofu, tempeh. 🍆Verduras🍄: col rizada, acelga, brócoli, coliflor, espárragos, berenjena, calabacín, champiñones, cebolla, ajo, pimiento, tomate, aguacate, aceitunas. 🫐Frutas🍓: aguacates, fresas, frambuesas, moras, arándanos, limón, lima, coco, kiwi. 🥗Hojas verdes🥬: Rúcula, Espinaca, toda clase de ensaladas, lechugas 🥜Frutos secos y semillas🌰: almendras, nueces, macadamia, pistachos, semillas de girasol, semillas de calabaza, semillas de chía, semillas de lino....

July 4, 2020 · 1 min · Yatan Blumenthal Vargas

Make a Decision

Dilemma: Today’s Date: Date decision needed: Decision importance: Annoying Trivial Worthwhile Weighty Life-changing Indecisiveness level: Wishy Washy Neutral Partisan Mind made up Best-case scenario [ ] pipe dream Worst-case scenario [ ] apocalypse Gut feelings Intutive conclusion: Pluses (+) and minuses (-) Rational conclusion: Decision [ ] for now Next steps (you can always flip a coin)

July 4, 2020 · 1 min · Yatan Blumenthal Vargas