Berlin / Bogota ● +4915739625098 ●


Yatan Blumenthal is an international professional with 10+ years experience in project management, sales, team building, community building, technology building, research and training and coaching. Trained as mindfulness & emotional intelligence teacher for work he always enjoys building great teams with a great culture. Also trained as a full stack web developer, he is very comfortable in working in tech focused teams. He has worked with corporates, startups and NGOs and International organisations in Asia, Latin America and Europe. He thrives in challenging environments with steep learning curves.


2010-2012 | MSc, International Business: Entrepreneurship & SME Management; Maastricht University (Netherlands) Thesis: Crowdfunding As a Financing Tool: Exploring The Extra Something

2003-2007 | BA, Economics and Social Sciences; University of Manchester (United Kingdom) Thesis: Colombia: The state, the conflict, the paramilitaries, the demobilization: a solution in sight?

Further Education

05/2018-05/2019 | Search Inside Yourself Certified Teacher; Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Training focused on mindful leadership and teamwork excellence.

04/2018-07/2018 | Full Stack Web Developer; 9-week intensive coding bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES2015, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails.

Work Experience

02/2020-present | New Projects & Digital Company Culture at Evolucion Caribe (Cartagena, Colombia ****At Evolucion Caribe I enabled the foundation to continue working through digital means. By offering digital literacy courses and building up a new website, learning management system and project management as well as setting up new structures for meetings, feedback and continued learning.

08/2014-present | Consultant, Project Manager and Startup & Mindful Leadership Coach I’ve offered my skills as facilitator, startup coach, accelerator builder, startup assessment expert and project lead to projects in Europe, Korea, Japan, West Africa and coached over 100 Startups.

01/2019-11/2019 | Product and People at Awaike GmbH (Berlin, Gemany)

In charge of implementing management structures, developing overall strategy, fundraising, financial planning, sales and product strategy.

09/2018-06/2019 | Venture Developer at Next Big Thing (Berlin, Germany) ****In charge of developing business cases for Agriculture and Watertech products As well as coaching of other teams and R&D on Venture Development processes.

07/2013-06/2017 | COO at Betahaus|X & Accelerator (Berlin, Germany**)** In charge of community building, sales, curriculum building, deployment and management of projects in corporate innovation and acceleration. Ran over 10 accelerators for clients like Deutsche Bahn, Volkswagen, Siemens, Samsung and accompanies many more.

12/2013-07/2015 | MD & Country Manager at Food Assembly Germany (Berlin, Germany) ****Leading the entry into the german market, building a team, creating community of 900 farmers and 50 consumer groups all across the country.

09/2012-03/2013 | COO StartupCamp Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 09/2010-09/2012 | CEO BounceSpace Coworking Space (Maastricht, Netherlands) 09/2009-01/2011 | CTO (Maastricht, Netherlands)

Internships & Timeline

Internships Aids Prevention and Control Project (Chennai, 2008), United Nations Environment Programme (Bangkok, 2007), Banco Santander (Madrid, 2005), United Nations Development Programme (Bogota, 2005), Banco Santander (Madrid, 2005)

Timeline Born in Caracas, Venezuela (1984); Bogota, Colombia (1992-93); Bonn,Germany (1993-96); Warsaw, Poland (1996-98); Bogota, Colombia (1998-2000); Redwood City, California, USA (2000-01); Bogota, Colombia (2001-03); Manchester, United Kingdom (2003-07); Bangkok, Thailand (2007-08); Chennai, India (2008-09); Maastricht, Netherlands (2009-12); Berlin, Germany (2012-present)

Further skills and activities

Languages: English (fluent), German (fluent), Spanish (fluent), French (advanced), Polish(Beginner), Thai (Beginner), Portuguese (Beginner)

Volunteer at: Consciousness Hacking Berlin, Meetup Berlin, Sandbox Governance Council Member

Hobbies: Windsurfing, Yoga, Meditation, Learning Languages, Gardening, Storytelling, Learning about Cultures, Programming.